Augment your retail workforce
Track every product in every store in real time with Augmodo Spatial AI
100% Passive Smartbadge
Empower your greatest asset, your people, with no operational changes, while being 100x cheaper hardware than competing solutions.
Real-time Spatial View of Every Store at any time
Pour your morning coffee, open your laptop, and check any store’s conditions in real time. Find and fix problems when they happen, not when sales dip.
Easy To Scale
Low capex, 100% passive for associates, <30 minutes to set up new stores, and built in redundancy.
Real-time Data and Trends
Associates Love It
Technology should enhance, not replace, your workforce. Reduce tedious audits, simplify ecommerce picking, provide security, and enhance the value of associate’s roles with a passive Smartbadge.
World-leading Privacy and Security
Augmodo’s core value is to enable people, not track them. We run state of the art privacy filtering on premise to ensure that only shelf data is processed*. We do not track associates. We do not track customers.
*Associates can choose to opt in to security recording features via an on-device panic button before returning to default privacy settings.
Augmodo was easy to install, quick to set up, and impressive in how much detail I could see. There are both the high level trends but then I can dive down to see a real shelf photo of a specific product being out at a specific time for a specific store.